Current Projects
The Mission House in Pignon, Haiti
September 2019

The rebuild of the mission house is underway! By faith…. WE HAVE STARTED CONSTRUCTION!!!!! This is one of the greatest opportunities our ministry has had to date. Most of you have stayed in the mission house and/or understand the importance of rebuilding. It will house up to 20 people with multiple bedrooms and bathrooms (yeah!!) More importantly, it will expand our ministry reach with the ability to host more teams (medical, construction, etc.)
Our estimated budget is $233,000. This includes all building costs, solar, a campus generator, furniture, appliances, a complete new kitchen set up, a water well system, a septic system, and landscaping. A few months back, we were blessed with a $100,000 gift toward the rebuild!!! God is indeed faithful and our hearts are beyond grateful. THEN…we received an ADDITIONAL $50,000 pledge via a matching gift campaign. This means if we can raise $50,000 in new gifts by September 30, 2019….it will be matched with another $50,000! This puts us close to what we need for the entire rebuild!!
October 2019
Thanks to your faithful giving and amazing generosity, we have exceeded our goal of $50,000 in our matching gift campaign. We are so excited to report that we have raised $60,285!!
Hebrews 10:23 “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” Thank you for your continued faith in the work of HaitiGO to develop a thriving Christian community in the Northern Hills of Haiti. We celebrate God’s goodness and ask for continued prayers as we complete the construction process.

(559) 424-3411
P.O. Box 664
Clovis, CA 93613