Community Care

Haitian Bead Project
Hand Crafted. Fair Trade.
Re-purposed Recyclables.

Medical Clinic
Many in Haiti suffer with treatable illnesses because they do not have the means for medical care. Medical access doesn’t extend to the marginalized and under-served population in Haiti. When patients seek medical care they often face critical life challenges at the same time; they have no money for services, very little food and no job. Our two clinics located in Pignon and San Raphael are a bridge of hope and health in the areas they serve. Our clinics offer basic medicine to the poorest of the poor and are a valuable resource to the community. We invite you to partner with us in delivering compassionate healthcare and the Gospel to our brothers and sisters in Haiti.
Medical Students
Featured here is Peterson Florestal, a medical student in Port-Au-Prince. Peterson is finishing medical school and upon graduation he will work in both of our clinics serving and giving back to his community in Haiti. Click to support the Future Dr Florestal and others in our Medical Student program.

(559) 424-3411
P.O. Box 664
Clovis, CA 93613